Old Gods of Appalachia: Deeper Still Coming to Crowdfunding Summer 2024!
by Monte Cook Games

Old Gods of Appalachia is a Roleplaying Game based on the podcast of the same name by Monte Cook Games. Old Gods of Appalachia: Deeper Still provides new adventures and character options for players and new horrors as well. Below is an excerpt of the Press Release indicating a summer 2024 crowdfunding Campaign.
Have you felt them, that great shuddering of restless Things coming awake? Calling your name in the darkness? Will you follow them down and serve their masters? No? What if it’s the only way to protect the ones you love? What then? What will you sacrifice in the name of love and family?
Only you can answer that.
But first, you must go down deep. Deeper. Deeper still.
There. Now we will see what are you truly made of.The Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game is an eldritch horror game set in an alternate Appalachia. Based on the popular podcast of the same name, the game takes players deep into the hills and hollers and down into the mountains where ancient beings of immeasurable darkness and unknowable purpose have begun to stir. Old Gods of Appalachia: Deeper Still, coming this summer, brings new adventures, character options, and other content to the hit tabletop roleplaying game.

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