Alternative Armies New Release of Jes Goodwin’s Classic Orcs from the 1980s

Jes Goodwin’s Classic Orcs from the 1980s The time is here! You asked for it and now it is on the website, the second part of three of the total restoration of Jes Goodwin’s classic Orcs made for Asgard in the early 1980s. 16 codes as single miniatures, plus get the wolves and riders as […]
On Military Matters New Update 08/12/2024

Greek Hoplites Heads: Victrix 28mm Plastic Miniatures
Contains 56 hard-plastic heads to adorn your Victrix Spartan, Theban, Athenian, Mercenary and Macedonian miniatures sets. Crests are separate on many heads, so you can swap crest styles from head to head to create more variants. Helmet styles include Corinthian, Attic, Illyrian, Chalcidian, Thracian, Pylos and Phrygian, with a mix of crests including high stilted and transverse, plus a very ornate double-head crest. $26.00 USD
OMM Discount 10%: Now $23.40 USD.
New On Military Matters Update 07/29/2024

Never Mind the Billhooks: Fantasia
A fantasy supplement for Never Mind the Billhooks: Fantasia (or Never Mind the Warlocks) provides gamers with the rules required to set use Billhooks troops in a fantasy land setting. The Never Mind the Billhooks deluxe core rules are required for play, along with two warring factions (around 80 figures per side) of Elves, Goblins, Humans, or any other typical fantasy army. Wizards and monsters also play a role in the outcome of Fantasia games, although their touch is light – skillful, or lucky, the use of blades and arrows should win the day. $15.00 USDNever Mind the Billhooks: Fantasia
A fantasy supplement for Never Mind the Billhooks: Fantasia (or Never Mind the Warlocks) provides gamers with the rules required to set use Billhooks troops in a fantasy land setting. The Never Mind the Billhooks deluxe core rules are required for play, along with two warring factions (around 80 figures per side) of Elves, Goblins, Humans, or any other typical fantasy army. Wizards and monsters also play a role in the outcome of Fantasia games, although their touch is light – skillful, or lucky, the use of blades and arrows should win the day. $15.00 USDNever Mind the Billhooks: Fantasia
A fantasy supplement for Never Mind the Billhooks: Fantasia (or Never Mind the Warlocks) provides gamers with the rules required to set use Billhooks troops in a fantasy land setting. The Never Mind the Billhooks deluxe core rules are required for play, along with two warring factions (around 80 figures per side) of Elves, Goblins, Humans, or any other typical fantasy army. Wizards and monsters also play a role in the outcome of Fantasia games, although their touch is light – skillful, or lucky, the use of blades and arrows should win the day. $15.00 USDNever Mind the Billhooks: Fantasia
A fantasy supplement for Never Mind the Billhooks: Fantasia (or Never Mind the Warlocks) provides gamers with the rules required to set use Billhooks troops in a fantasy land setting. The Never Mind the Billhooks deluxe core rules are required for play, along with two warring factions (around 80 figures per side) of Elves, Goblins, Humans, or any other typical fantasy army. Wizards and monsters also play a role in the outcome of Fantasia games, although their touch is light – skillful, or lucky, the use of blades and arrows should win the day. $15.00 USD
On Military Matters Update 07/15/2024

The Battle of the Bulge, two-player starter set contains everything needed to start playing Bolt Action 3rd edition – simply assemble the models and let battle commence. Those who pre-order will receive an exclusive Francis S. Currey (U.S. Medal of Honor recipient) miniature. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Contents: 24 x New Plastic U.S. Army Winter Infantry; 18 x New Plastic Winter Fallschirmjager; 1 x Special-Edition Francis S. Currey miniature; 1 x Greyhound Scout Car that can be modified as M8 or M20; 1 x Ruined Farmhouse Plastic Terrain; Bolt Action 3rd Edition A5 softback rulebook; and Order Dice, D6s, Templates, Pin Markers, Tokens, and Stat Cards. $149.00 USD
Games Workshop Opens the Ruination Chamber!

The Reclusians are unleashed as Games Workshop Opens the Ruination Chamber!
With the peal of a thousand bells and a rent in the earth, the Vermindoom has begun. Blight City has manifested in physical reality and crashed into the Mortal Realms, puncturing up from its foetid subrealm. Untold numbers of Skaven are teeming out of these warpstone-tainted rifts, hunched clanrats backed by nameless horrors and ramshackle weapons developed by Skaven engineers.
These twisted beachheads appearing in the realms are deadly to even the freshly reforged Stormcast Eternals Liberators, and the scale of this disaster is so broad that Sigmar has been forced to unseal the Ruination Chamber of the Stormcast Eternals. The first warriors to emerge from its threshold are the baroque Reclusians.
are mere steps away from losing there souls, a handful of reforgings away from losing themselves completely. They are accompanied by mortal priest who are there descendants called Memorians that helps keep their souls anchored during battle and prevents them from slipping away.
The pictures below show some Gorgeous new male and female models. Three separate models are shown and though Games Workshop has released no details I would assume they will come in a unit of three. I for one cannot wait to add them to my Stormcast Army.
When the Reclusians take up arms, they are accompanied by mortal priests called Memorians, often direct descendants of the Stormcast Eternals themselves. They are an anchoring presence for the Reclusians, ensuring that the precious humanity that grounds them does not slip away in battle.
Is “The Best Paints In the World” a Lie? Army Painter Fanatic Review by Zumikito Miniatures

Zumikito Miniatures reviews the Army Painter Fanatic line of paints. He goes very in depth to tell you if there bold claims are true or not using the Mega Paint set from the Fanatic range of paints. He paints a Space Marine and a Squig as a demonstration of the paints qualities or lack thereof. This is a must see video for anyone considering buying these paints.
On Military Matters Update 03/22/2024

Represents the Early Saxons, Jutes, Angles, and Danes (all grouped together under the title Saxon) that invaded Britain during the 4th to 6th centuries. They fought the Romano-British for dominance of Britain for hundreds of years, forcing the original inhabitants of Britain west and north, and were also hired by the Romans as mercenaries. Set includes: 36 x unarmored warrior bodies; 36 x small round bucklers (9mm in diameter); 36 x larger round shields, half flat and half slightly domed (14mm in diameter); 60 x helmeted heads; 30 x bare heads and heads with caps; An assortment of sword, axe, javelin and spear arms; and 12 x fur cloaks. These figures can easily be used as other Dark Age Germanic warriors and even be mixed with later Saxons and Vikings. Figures from the Late Romans sets would not look out of place alongside these in a warband. All adding massive amounts of variety to our ever-expanding Dark Age range. $54.00 USD
On Military Matters Update 03/15/2024

HYPERSPACE HACK: Ultrafast Spaceship Fleet Battles
Back in print. Simple yet subtle rules for fleet-sized actions of 50+ ships per player, for 2 to 20 players. One-page Quick Reference Sheet. Crew quality rating system from raw to elite, with rules for ramming, boarding, etc. Optional rules for three-sided games, tournament point system, planet-busting lasers, and more. Great for kids.
On Military Matters Update 03/08/2024

Most items due into the shoppe in a couple weeks. If you wish to pick up your order at the shoppe, please call ahead to ensure we are open. Thank you for your continued support. BOOKS… REGIMENTAL FIRE AND FURY: American Civil War Rules Regimental softcover wire-bound edition provides players a more in-depth look at American […]
How to Paint Kingdom of Bretonnia Knight of the Realm on Foot | Warhammer: The Old World