Knights Of Dust and Neon On Backerkit

Cyber knights pledge now

Knights Of Dust and Neon On Backerkit from Monte Cook Games

Monte Cook Games crowdfunding campaign for it’s Knights of Dust and Neon is on Backerkit with three days remaining. Knights of Dust and Neon is a Cypher system setting of three separate books, Neon Rain, High Noon at Midnight, and Gunslinger Knights.

They currently have 1900 backers and nearly $265,00.00 in funding.
Strange Dark times call for strange dark heroes and these three cypher system titles deliver.

From a distance the skyline shines with bright lights, vivid holo ads, and glow of massive tower blocks. But down here on the broken streets it’s a cacophony of neon, gunfire, cyberware, and sirens. And no matter your gear, your guts, your street cred, -your Hacking skills- You’re always one sketchy job away from annihilation.