GMT’s March monthly update has arrived Here. Below is an introduction by Gene Billingsley. Impact-Site-Verification: 54c12d06-8e3c-4d8a-8bec-df6bf5a4cf3a
Hi everyone!
I hope you are all well.
Travel schedules for several key members of our creative team have resulted in us needing to get this update sent out to all of you a week early this month. I guess that’s good from a “You get two new P500 games (one from Volko and one from Mark Simonitch!) a week early this month” standpoint, huh? 🙂 We may well keep to this “one week earlier in the month” schedule for April, as well, so we can get the newsletter finished before the Weekend at the Warehouse starts on the 18th.
Speaking of the Weekend at the Warehouse, we do still have some spots open for the event (we cap it at about 125 attendees), and I invite you to come check it out. Come hang out with us for a few days, meet some cool designer and developers, play some secret prototypes, and generally just play lots of games. We also get to share a big meal of some excellent (free!) street tacos on Saturday night!
Of course, I’ll probably never be able to attend a Weekend at the Warehouse without missing one of the hobby’s best designers, pictured to the right here. That’s Chad Jensen—my friend and such a bright star in the hobby—gone way too soon. This brilliant, lovable, massively talented goofball was known for making new players “earn” their victories when they played his prototypes at the Weekend. I never could seem to get him to buy the rationale of “if you don’t crush them and allow them to win more, Chad, they’ll have a good time and want to buy your games” (apparently, I was wrong, because you all bought them anyway!)! It makes me smile now to think of all the laughter and fun shared around game tables with Chad and Kai twice a year for more than a decade at the Weekend at the Warehouse playing Combat Commander, Dominant Species, Welcome to Centerville, Fighting Formations, and so many other cool “Chad designs” plus other games we just felt like playing together. And those are the kinds of memories and friendships that this event fosters.
We do have an excellent mix of designers and developers who are planning to attend this time. There’ll likely be more than the ones listed here, but so far, I know of the following:
Mark Aasted Mike Bertucelli Adam Blinkinsop Stephen Bradford John Butterfield
Jason Carr Ananda Gupta Chris Janiec Kai Jensen Mitchell Land Sam London Volko Ruhnke Jerry WhiteWe’ll also have around 100 other gamers who are old friends or “soon to be your friends” that attend and love to play games. If you’re not registered yet, just call, chat, or email with our office folks, and they’ll reserve your spot. I’m looking forward to seeing many of you next month in Hanford!
Enjoy this month’s newsletter- Gene
Also Pictured Below are the new additions to the GMT P500 order system with links to each.

North Africa 40 Expansion for North Africa ’41

Plains Indian Wars 2nd Printing

Age of Sigmar (4) Alternative Armies (4) Bolt Action (2) Books (17) C3i (1) Charles S. Roberts (3) Cities of Sigmar (2) CSR Awards (1) Cypher System (2) Featured (1) Flying Pig Games (2) Free League (5) Fria Ligan (2) Games Workshop (7) GMT (1) GMT Games (2) GMT Update (2) Guildball (1) Hail Caesar (1) Ion Age (2) Knights of Dust and Neon (1) Magazines (14) Miniature Painting (12) Miniatures (27) Modiphius (2) Monte Cook (2) New Release (43) Old Gods of Appalachia (1) On Military Matters (14) Osprey (2) Paizo (1) PaizoCon2024 (1) Pathfinder (1) Pre-Order (2) Press Release (1) Roleplaying (4) Starfinder (1) Steamforged Games (1) Symbaroum (1) TTRPG (2) Video (1) Wargame (25) Warhammer (8) Warlord (2) Warlord Games (3)