C3i Magazine Nr 37 (RBM) – Unbagging, Page Through and Content Inventory by Kilroy Was Here. This is another outstanding C3i magazine. It has 4 games inside plus two game mods. The magazine itself is filled with great articles, including a Clio’s corner by Mark Herman on the battle of Midway.
Age of Sigmar Alternative Armies Bolt Action Books C3i Charles S. Roberts Cities of Sigmar CSR Awards Cypher System Featured Flying Pig Games Free League Fria Ligan Games Workshop GMT GMT Games GMT Update Guildball Hail Caesar Ion Age Knights of Dust and Neon Magazines Miniature Painting Miniatures Modiphius Monte Cook New Release Old Gods of Appalachia On Military Matters Osprey Paizo PaizoCon2024 Pathfinder Pre-Order Press Release Roleplaying Starfinder Steamforged Games Symbaroum TTRPG Video Wargame Warhammer Warlord Warlord Games